Make the Switch to Electric Stoves Easier with GEN3
electric stove

With laws slowly moving through the United States that aim to sunset the use of gas stoves, many people are making the switch from gas to electric stoves. But for many homeowners, making this switch can be difficult and overwhelming. GEN3 is here to help make the transition easier with outlet upgrades. Let’s take a look at why it’s important to make this switch. And how GEN3 can help you with the process.

Why Switch from Gas to Electric cooking?

Switching from gas to electricity is an important step in protecting our environment and our health. Burning fossil fuels such as natural gas causes air pollution. Which can not only be harmful for your lungs but also for the environment overall. According to research, switching from gas stoves to electric ones could reduce up to 1/3 of total U.S emissions! In addition, electric stoves are much safer than their gas counterparts. They don’t produce any carbon monoxide or other toxic fumes while cooking.

How Can GEN3 Help wire your electric Stoves?

Electric stoves require two hot wires, one neutral and one ground. They need their own joined breakers, which should be done by a professional. GEN3 offers easy outlet swap-outs that will enable you to make the switch from gas stoves to electric ones much easier and more efficient. Our team of experienced electrical technicians will come out and install all necessary outlets in your home so you can safely run your new appliances without any issues or hassles. They specialize in working with all types of homes, so whether you have an older home or a brand-new one, GEN3 will be able to provide you with what you need in order to get your appliance running smoothly and efficiently. 

Making the switch from gas stoves to electric ones doesn’t have to be hard. Or expensive for that madded. When you enlist the help of GEN3’s electrical experts! From installing outlets in all types of homes quickly and safely, they offer competitive prices on all their services so that you can enjoy your new stove without having any stress or worries about hidden costs or installation issues. So don’t wait any longer—make sure you contact GEN3 today if you want a smooth transition into using electric stoves! Plus, breathe easier with one our of many indoor air quality solutions. 

Call today to schedule your appointment! 


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