GEN3 Electric & HVAC: A Pet-Friendly Company

At GEN3 Electric & HVAC, pets are more than welcome! We love having furry, feathery, or scaly visitors come to our office, warehouse, and call center. Some may think that a home repair business should be all about fixing wires and HVAC systems, but we believe that creating a fun and friendly workplace is just as important. Besides, who can resist wagging tails, purring cats, chirping birds, or curious reptiles? In this blog, we’ll tell you some of our favorite stories about pets that have come to visit us and explain why being a pet-friendly office helps us better serve our homeowner customers.

Pets that Visit the Office

One of our regular visitors is a cute little Pitbull mix named Penny. Her owner, who works in our office, brings her along whenever she needs a break from the other pets at home. Penny loves to sniff around, play with her toy bone, and greet our other staff with enthusiastic tail wags. Her joyful presence is contagious, and we always look forward to her visits. Penny’s owner says that she appreciates how we treat her dog as part of our extended family and not just a nuisance.

Another four-legged friend that has become a regular at our office is a kitty cat named Bram. He is known for her rather aloof attitude, but that doesn’t stop him from making himself comfortable on our front desk or a sunny windowsill. Bram’s owner works in our call center, and she’s happy that her cat has found a cozy spot to nap during the day. Our staff often takes turns giving Bram a quick scratch behind the ears or a gentle chin rub, and he seems to tolerate the attention just fine. We even dress him up sometimes, he doesn’t seem to mind!

Some of the more exotic pets that have visited us include a pair of green-cheeked conures named Mango and Kiwi, a red-eared slider turtle named Sheldon, and even a Chilean rose tarantula named Rosie. We must admit that some of us were a bit nervous around Rosie, but we respected her owner’s passion for arachnids and let her wander around in a secure container. Mango and Kiwi, on the other hand, were a riot of colors, chatter, and antics. At GEN3, all pets are welcome!

Pets in our Customers’ Homes

Being a pet-friendly office goes beyond just tolerating or accommodating pets inside the office. We believe that pets are part of the family, and treating them with respect, compassion, and kindness is just as important as do the same for their human counterparts. When we go to someone’s home for an electric or HVAC service, we are aware that their pets may feel anxious, scared, or curious about us. That’s why we take the time to introduce ourselves gently, offer some treats, and let them sniff or inspect our tools and gear. We also make sure to clean up after ourselves, so that there are no danger or messes that the pets might get into later.


At GEN3 Electric & HVAC, pets are more than welcome. We love them, respect them, and appreciate the happiness and comfort they bring to our employees and our customers, alike. Having a pet-friendly office is not just a perk; it’s a reflection of our company’s values and culture. We believe that treating pets as family members helps us build better relationships with homeowners, understand their needs and concerns, and offer them excellent service. If you ever need an electric or heating & cooling services, and you happen to have a pet, don’t hesitate to call us! We promise to treat your pet as if it were our own. Schedule today using this link.


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